Terms of Use of this Web Site and the Delivery of
Legal Services Through This Web Site

ProBiz Law

The materials on the public portion of this World Wide Web site are provided for informational purposes only, do not constitute legal advice, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of any of its attorneys and are not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date. This World Wide Web site is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship between you and ProBiz Law, unless you register as a client and are accepted by this law firm as a client.

It is important that you read and understand these terms and conditions before you start to use this Web site. You can print and keep a copy for your reference.

Reference to "our" and "we" in the Web site with regard to the provision of a particular User Service is a reference to the applicable provider of the User or Client Service.

These terms and conditions (and all communications) are in English and governed by and will be construed in accordance with the law of the State of Connecticut and the courts of Connecticut shall have jurisdiction in any legal proceedings.

You must be a resident of, or authorized to do business in, the State of Connecticut in order to use the legal services offered by this web site.

Web Site and Law Guide Use

If you have access to the Law Guide you may use it on the following terms. While every precaution has been taken in compiling the Law Guide, neither we nor any contributors to the Law Guide can be held responsible for any action (or the lack thereof) taken by any person or organization, wherever they shall be based, as a result, direct or otherwise, of information contained in or accessed through the Law Guide. Anyone using the Law Guide is recommended to seek specific advice from a suitably qualified person before dealing with any situation that may be covered by any information contained in any part of the Law Guide or before embarking on any course of action.

Reasonable efforts will be made to keep the Web site available for use; however, access is not guaranteed to be available all the time. We will not be liable for any periodic unavailability of the Web site.

Due to the nature of the internet and the possibility of third party interference, the Web site is not guaranteed to be free of all viruses and technical defects of any description. We will not be liable for any damage or loss caused by such third party interference as a result of your use of the Web site.


You must be a Connecticut resident and age 18 years or over to use the User Services. You will receive a Username and Password to access a client area ("the Client Area") of the Website and be able to use all of the User Services.

The use of the User Services from the Client Area is for your personal use only (except on behalf of a spouse, civil partner or partner in respect of the Wills service). You shall not permit any other party to have access to the User Services or Client Area or to use the User Services. If you breach this term, we can without notice revoke your Username or Password and refuse access to all or any part of the Website.


The Law Guide and Rapidocs Document Assembly system is provided by DirectLaw, Inc. DirectLaw does not itself provide legal advice but Users of the Website have access to attorneys who are responsible for the service that they provide to you, including any advice that you may receive from them.

Lawyer Review of Documents created using the Document Preparation Service

These are provided by ProBiz Law, in accordance with the terms of the agreement that is accepted upon registration.

User Services

The User Services currently available to clients are detailed on the Web site.

Commercial use limitation

The use of this Website or product and the documents when downloaded or installed by you are for your personal use only and will clearly on the face of them be shown to be licensed to you. You may not use this Web site, the product or the documents for any other purpose except for your own personal use. You may not use the documents for any commercial purpose whatsoever and the copyright in them belongs to SmartLegalForms, Inc. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, products or services obtained from this Web site.

Prohibited use

As a condition of your use of this Web site or product, you warrant to us that you will not use this Web site or product for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices.


This Web site or product may contain hyperlinks to Web sites operated by other parties. Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference only. We do not control such Web sites and are not responsible for their contents.

Our inclusion of hyperlinks to such Web sites does not imply any endorsement of the material on such Web sites.

Legal Identity

This service is provided by ProBiz Law, a law firm licensed to practice law in Connecticut. Attorneys associated with ProBiz Law are members of the bar of Connecticut.

Website Copyright and Database Rights

The contents of each of the web pages or this product (the "content") at this Web site and associated databases are the property of either ProBiz Law, or DirectLaw, Inc. Reproduction of part or all of the Content in any form is prohibited other than in accordance with the following terms:

You may print or download to a single local hard disk extracts from the Content for your personal use only.

You must not remove any proprietorial notices from such extracts.

You may not sell or commercially exploit any Content nor use any data mining, robots or similar extraction methods in relation to the Content.

No linking to this site or manipulation of the Content (including but not limited to framing, alteration of content or parts thereof, re-branding of content, use of metatags or hidden text techniques) is permitted without the express written consent of an authorized officer of ProBiz Law

Software Copyright

Rapidocs Software featured on this website is the property of: © Epoq Group Ltd. 2000-2024 and legal form content by SmartLegalForms, Inc., Reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than in accordance with the license terms detailed therein. Software reproduced in and on this website is the property of © Epoq Group Ltd. 2000-2024. You may not use (other than as is expressly or impliedly licensed) resell, reverse engineer, decompile or otherwise modify such software.


"RAPIDOCS" is a trademark of Epoq Group Ltd.

Patent Applications (Rapidocs Technology)

Elements of the Rapidocs technology are the subject of patent applications by Epoq Group Ltd. in respect of EPC signatory states and the USA. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

E-mail Correspondence:

We would be pleased to communicate with you by e-mail. However, if you communicate with us through this World Wide Web site or otherwise in connection with a matter for which we do not already represent you, your communication may not be treated as privileged or confidential, unless of course you have registered as a client and you have purchased legal advice from us through your secure My Legal Affairs home page.

Web Site as Advertising for Law Firm | Compliance with Professional Rules

In some jurisdictions this World Wide Web site may be considered advertising. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon written information about our qualifications and experience.

ProBiz Law has endeavored to comply with all known legal and ethical requirements in compiling this World Wide Web site. To the extent the State Bar Rules in your jurisdiction require us to designate a principal office and/or a single attorney responsible for this World Wide Web site, ProBiz Law designates its office in Connecticut as its principal office and designates Robyn Davis as the attorney responsible for this World Wide Web site.


Any claim in respect of breach of contract or for negligence or in any other way for the provision or failure of the Law Guide or Document Preparation Service shall be against ProBiz Law only.

Document Preparation Service

The Document Preparation Service (the "Document Preparation Service") does not provide legal advice. It is designed to collect relevant information and data to assist in the preparation of a legal document on your behalf.

The Document Preparation Service uses a document assembly and drafting system ("the System"). The responses you give will dictate the content of the document produced.

When using the Document Preparation Service you will be asked a series of questions; the answers you give will dictate the content of the Document produced by the System. You alone are responsible for ensuring the answers or any information that you give is correct (this includes information in relation to the identity of any parties or signatories, their age or capacity). ProBiz Law relies on you providing the correct information.

You must carefully check that the Document produced fully reflects your wishes. If it does not, you should not execute it. It is your responsibility to ensure that any Document is properly executed in accordance with the instructions that are provided to you.

Documents are prepared in accordance with the law of the jurisdiction specified in the document. You should not use them in any other jurisdiction or if any person who is to sign it, or the property the Document deals with, is outside the jurisdiction that it is drafted to be used in.

All Documents should be used in conjunction with proper advice from the ProBiz Law as to their application and adaptation to your particular circumstances.

Documents completed online will be stored in the document store ("the Document Store") on the Web site for a period of time. Upon completion of the review of your Document, any Documents held in the Document Store will be deleted, unless you have arranged for them to be archived. Your attorney will also maintain a copy of the documents prepared for you for the period of time required under Connecticut law.



We shall not be liable for any failure to provide or delay in providing any service resulting from circumstances or events outside of our control, for example due to strikes and other industrial disputes, breakdown of systems or network access, fire or explosions, and power failure.

If any part of these terms and conditions (and/or notices on the Web site) are found to be invalid or unenforceable then such part will be deemed replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent or the original part and the remainder of the agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

We reserve the right to change the terms, conditions and disclaimers under which the Website or any User Service is offered.

You may not assign, subcontract or otherwise transfer any rights and obligations under these Conditions whether in whole or in part without the prior written consent of ProBiz Law. Headings in these Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect its interpretation.

These Conditions represent the entire agreement between the parties and neither party shall attempt to rely upon any prior understanding or representation, which may have been made.


© Copyright, 2007-2024, DirectLaw, Inc.